24 solar terms | dew cicadas gradually swallow, autumn scenery at the beginning of micro.
Time passed, and it was the season of End of Heat
The summer heat is receding
Autumn is beginning to fill the air
Nature has its own way

Announcing the changing of the seasons

The meaning of end of heat

"Place" has the meaning of ending, ending, "heat" refers to heat. End of heat means to leave hot. End of Heat, the 14th solar term out of 24 solar terms, marks the end of the hot summer days and the gradual cooling of the weather. In this season at the turn of summer and autumn, nature quietly changes, bringing us a different kind of beauty and feelings.

Characteristics of end heat
End of heat, that is, "out of heat", means that the heat has ended here. At this time, the direct point of the sun continues to move south, the temperature gradually decreases, the temperature difference between day and night increases, and the heat is no longer oppressive. But in the southern region, the "autumn tiger" may still be strong from time to time, bringing brief hot weather.
During End of Heat, the sky becomes more blue and high, and the clouds are as white as cotton. The autumn wind gradually rises, blowing away the hot summer, bringing a silk cool. Crops began to mature, golden rice swaying in the wind, fruit in the orchard hanging on the branches, everywhere filled with the joy of harvest.

The custom of ending heat
Travel to welcome autumn
After the end of Heat, autumn is becoming more and more intense, and it is a good time for people to travel to welcome autumn. People have gone out of their homes to the suburbs, parks and other places to enjoy the beauty of autumn and feel the changes of nature.
Fishing Festival
For coastal fishermen, the end of Heat is the harvest season. Every year during the End of Heat, the annual grand fishing Festival will be held in the coastal areas of Zhejiang to send fishermen out to sea. At this time, the water temperature is still high, fish will still stay around the sea, fish, shrimp and shellfish mature.

The way to keep healthy at the end of heat

Diet conditioning
During End Heat season, the climate is gradually dry, the diet should be based on nourishing Yin and moistening lung, clearing heat and moistening dryness. You can eat more pear, lily, tremella, honey, sesame and other foods, eat less spicy, greasy food. For example, boiling a bowl of lily fungus soup can moisten the lungs and relieve cough, as well as beautify the face; Or stewed a pot of snow pear rock sugar water, sweet and delicious, moistening lung to dry.
Life is regular
At this time, the temperature difference between day and night is large, should pay attention to timely increase or decrease clothing, to avoid catching cold. In terms of sleep, we should ensure adequate sleep, go to bed early and get up early to adapt to seasonal changes. When sleeping at night, you can cover the thin quilt to prevent cold at night.
Moderate exercise
After the end of Heat, the weather is more pleasant, suitable for some moderate exercise, such as jogging, walking, tai chi and so on. But pay attention to avoid excessive exercise, so as not to damage the body. In the early morning or evening, it is a good choice to take a walk in the park or by the river to breathe the fresh air and relax.
End of Heat is a poetic and changing solar term, which takes away the heat of summer and brings the cool of autumn and the hope of harvest. Let us cherish this wonderful time, feel the gift of nature, and welcome a vibrant and energetic autumn.

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