The status of prickly ash planting in agricultural cash crops today
        In the field of rich and colorful agricultural cash crops, Sichuan pepper with its unique charm and important status, plays a role that can not be ignored.
       As a kind of cash crop, Sichuan pepper has brought considerable economic income to farmers first. In recent years, pepper market demand continues to grow, the price is relatively stable. Whether it is large-scale planting or small-scale operation, pepper growers can get a good income through the sale of pepper. Taking Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places as an example, many farmers rely on pepper planting to get rid of poverty and embark on the road to wealth.

        Sichuan pepper planting has also contributed to promoting rural employment. From the cultivation, maintenance to picking and processing of Zanthoxylum, each link requires a large number of labor forces. This provides employment opportunities for surplus rural labor, especially in busy farming seasons, pepper plantations can attract many villagers to participate in work, increasing their sources of income.
       In the adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, Sichuan pepper planting has also played an important role. Compared with traditional food crops, prickly ash has higher added value and market adaptability. Some areas through the development of Zanthoxylum planting, optimize the agricultural industrial structure, improve the utilization efficiency of land resources, and realize the diversified development of agriculture.
        Peppercorns also have good ecological benefits. The well-developed root system of pepper tree can play the role of soil and water conservation, wind prevention and sand fixation. Planting Sichuan pepper in some ecologically fragile areas is helpful to improve the local ecological environment and achieve a win-win situation of economic and ecological benefits.
         In addition, the deep processing industry of Sichuan pepper is also growing. Sichuan pepper can not only be used as a condiment directly, but also is widely used in medicine, chemical industry and other fields. The development of deep processing products such as Zanthoxylum essential oil and zanthoxylum hemp has further improved the added value of Zanthoxylum, extended the industrial chain, and injected new vitality into the development of agricultural economy.
       For example, Shuangsheng town in Yilong County was originally based on the cultivation of ordinary crops, and its economic development was relatively slow. Sichuan Qianjiufa Industrial Co., Ltd. introduced organic Jiuye green pepper planting, and established nearly 10,000 mu of planting base, pepper processing plant, pepper Expo park and other projects, not only led to the increase of local farmers, but also promoted the development of related industries, forming a complete pepper industry ecology.

        In short, today's Zanthoxylum pepper planting plays an important role in various aspects of agricultural cash crops, and has made positive contributions to farmers' income increase, rural development, agricultural industrial structure optimization and ecological environmental protection.
           Let us pay attention to the revitalization of rural areas, inject new vitality into the development of rural areas, and make rural areas full of vitality!

  • Landscape Yilong, hometown of Zhude, capital of Zanthoxylum bungeanum
  • Qianjiufa company production of Jiuye green prickly ash using artificial planting, scientific management and other ways to grow, to the direction of ecological organic food development, green, healthy, environmental protection, in the market won the majority of customers love and praise.
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