The new choice of foot soaking in autumn: the secret of the health of Sichuan pepper boiling water

        After autumn, the temperature gradually drops, and the way of health care also needs to be adjusted accordingly. Among the many health methods, using Sichuan pepper to boil water to soak your feet is undoubtedly a good choice.

        Sichuan pepper, this common spice, actually contains a wealth of health value. When it is boiled and used for foot soaking, it can play a surprising effect.

       Prickly ash is warm and has the effect of dispelling cold and dampness. Although it is not long before the start of Autumn, it will soon enter autumn after the start of Autumn. After autumn, the cold is easy to invade the human body, especially the feet, because the cold enters from the feet. At this time, using Sichuan pepper to boil water to bubble the feet, can effectively discharge the cold and wet gas in the body, making people feel warm and comfortable.

        In addition, Sichuan pepper boiling water feet can also promote blood circulation. After a day's work, the blood circulation in the feet is often not smooth. By soaking the feet with Sichuan pepper, you can expand the blood vessels and increase the blood flow, thereby relieving fatigue and allowing the body to be fully relaxed.

        Some friends may ask, is it so important to improve blood circulation? I should think so! Imagine that after a day of running around, our feet are under great pressure and our blood circulation is poor. Boiling water with Sichuan pepper can speed up blood flow, take away fatigue and metabolic waste, and give the feet a "relaxing massage".

        Take myself for example, there was a time when I was so busy at work that I felt exhausted when I came home every day. Later tried Sichuan pepper boiled water to soak the feet, after soaking the kind of relaxed feeling, like re-full of electricity.

       By the way, friends who have trouble sleeping can really try it. Prickly pepper boiling water through the stimulation of acupoints on the feet, regulate the function of the body, so that we can enter the sweet sleep faster at night. There are many insomnia friends around, is to rely on this method to improve the quality of sleep.

        In addition, peppercorns have a certain sterilization effect. It can prevent fungal infections of the feet and keep the feet clean and healthy.

 ​      The method of using Sichuan pepper boiled water to soak your feet is also very simple. Put the appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper into the pot, add water to boil, and then pour into the foot wash basin, when the water temperature is suitable, you can soak your feet. It is recommended that each foot soak 15-30 minutes, 2-3 times a week, of course, according to personal physical fitness, foot soaking habits and other factors, can be implemented according to the actual situation to determine the foot soaking time and foot soaking cycle.

        In short, everyone may wish to try to use Sichuan pepper boiled water to soak their feet after the autumn, for their own health points, enjoy the benefits of this simple and effective way of health; Follow us to uncover more uses of Sichuan pepper.

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